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Databases in the Cloud, without downsides

UpCloud is an European cloud provider based in Finland that focuses on companies that need reliable, fast cloud services. In addition to cloud servers, UpCloud also provides other services, such as object storage and managed databases for MySQL and PostgreSQL environments. Because UpCloud and OptimaData have joined forces, UpCloud can now also offer custom solutions to customers with complex database issues. Jasper Jonk, Business Development Manager, talks about the added value of our partnership in this blog.

GDPR-compliant and focus on open source

Jasper Jonk, UpCloudUpCloud is the European alternative to the big, well-known American cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform. The big advantage of UpCloud is that we are GDPR compliant. The disadvantage of U.S. cloud services is that their customers run into problems when it comes to complying with the AVG.

This is a major reason for many of our customers to choose a European cloud provider. In addition, we focus on open source solutions, which is also becoming increasingly important. More and more parties want to be less dependent on closed-source suppliers such as Microsoft, SAP and Oracle.

Looking for a partner

We regularly receive requests from our customers for customized solutions to their database issues. We don’t offer that ourselves, so I went looking for a partner. Google soon put me on the trail of OptimaData, with their specialist staff an ideal partner to support our clients in this. They know exactly how to set up a database efficiently and how to ensure that such a database doesn’t grow out of control. In large companies, that can quickly lead to enormous costs.

Bridging the gap

With this collaboration we are building a bridge between OptimaData’s customers who need a European infrastructure provider and UpCloud’s customers who are looking for a managed database service provider. They help customers who don’t have that technical knowledge themselves with database-specific issues.

How do you set up a database, why do you choose a particular database, how do you make sure growth remains manageable and how will you monitor everything?

Disadvantages off the table

Thomas Brinkman investigated how a company like OptimaData can deal with the development around databases in the cloud and how they can function efficiently. Part of his research assignment he did with us.

In his blog he mentions a number of disadvantages of databases in the cloud: limited service, chance of vendor lock-in, problems with privacy, waiting for updates, the noisy neighbor effect and the fact that scalability can involve unexpectedly high costs. Those points are not an issue with us. We focus on open source, so there can be no vendor lock-in, you can transfer your services like that

. We are GDPR compliant and must comply with national and European legislation. Our prices are transparent and predictable, most services have a fixed price per month, so there are no surprises afterwards.

This way we can guarantee higher performance at substantially lower cost. The money you save in this way can be spent more effectively by, for example, using a managed database service provider such as OptimaData.

On to even more successful years

3 months ago, the team at OptimaData celebrated their anniversary party. I was allowed to attend virtually to give a short presentation about our partnership. It was incredibly fun to witness the team in that way. What was even more fun was that a week later I was able to hand over some chocolates and merchandise from Finland to everyone in person, at the office in Naarden.

Finally a live meeting with partners and customers again, I had really missed that. I would like to warmly congratulate OptimaData on their anniversary and wish them many more beautiful and successful years. As UpCloud, our ambition is to become the largest cloud provider in Europe and we are well on the way. It goes without saying that our growth is linked to the growth of our partners.

It recently turned out that OptimaData can once again call itself FD Gazelle. That says something about the pace at which they are growing, although I know that growth in itself is not necessarily what drives them.

They deliver real added value for their clients and that results in growth. With our twelve data centers across the globe – Amsterdam, Chicago, Frankfurt, Helsinki, New York City, London, Madrid, San Jose, Singapore, Sydney and Warsaw – we are always strategically located for their customers. Our partnership doesn’t stop at the border.

Want to know more?

Curious what else UpCloud can offer? Check out their website. Would you like to talk more about our services and what the OptimaData experts can do for your company? Feel free to contact us, we’d love to get to know you.