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Outsource database management. So what?

In a previous blog, we described how to select a database support partner. But before you can get started, there are a number of preparations you need to make. In this blog, we’ll tell you what those preparations are and what to look out for.

Edco Wallet

Co-Founder & eigenaar
Edco Wallet - Co-Founder & eigenaar

Inform your team

Change can cause some resistance. That is why it is very important that you inform your team about the choice you have made and what consequences it will have for them. Which party will help you with a piece of support and what are the arrangements?

Give your team time to adjust

Give your team time to get used to the new situation. You probably agreed to pay per support ticket or per hour. During this initial period, let go of that and give your team the chance to ask for support when they need it. That contact is necessary to get to know each other and get used to working together. After all, you want your own team to see the partner as a lifeline and not as “complicated stuff” or a threat.

Think about communication

Every IT organization has its own way of communicating, working, recording and logging. There are also many options in the choice of digital communication channels. Think Slack, Whatapp’s or Microsoft Teams for quick communication, and ticketing systems like Jira or Topdesk for more streamlined communication. However you do it, it’s important to make a clear choice in how you want to communicate with the support partner.

Train your team

Of course, you’ve made sure that your partner can also provide training and workshops. They’ve worked with your systems and know how they work. Your support partner has had hands-on experience in dozens of database kitchens and knows the ropes.

They can tailor their training to that, and that’s how they move your team forward. Prevent under- or over-estimation and make sure the training focuses on the eighty percent of skills that are needed most. Conclude the training with workshops tailored to situations specific to your organization.

Want to know more?

Want to know more about the route to effective database management now? We wrote a whitepaper about that. Download the white paper here. Would you like to exchange thoughts with us? Feel free to contact us, we’d love to get to know you.