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Sybase Consultancy and management

OptimaData offers consultancy, training, support and management services for Sybase database platforms.

Origin Sybase ASE

Sybase database beheer en consultancySybase ASE (Adaptive Server Enterprise) is a relational database management system which, up until very recently, was developed and sold by Sybase, Inc.. Since 2010, Sybase has been completely integrated in SAP. ASE is a multi-faceted, enterprise-class RDBMS, which is especially good at handling OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) workloads.

ASE is used intensively in the world of finance (banks, stock markets, and insurance companies), in E-commerce, and many other branches.

Stability and availability

Stability and availability are very important to Sybase ASE products. Products besides ASE that have been developed and marketed by Sybase are IQ and SQL Anywhere (ASA, Adaptive Server Anywhere).

Database products SAP and Sybase

SAP IQ (also called SAP Sybase IQ or Sybase IQ) is a column-based, petabyte scale, relational database software system, used for business intelligencedata warehousing, and data markets. IQ’s primary function is the analysis of large amounts of data in an affordable, highly available environment. SAP IQ is mainly praised because of its pioneering in the commerce around column-store technology.

SQL Anywhere Server is a high performance and embeddable relational database management system (RDBMS), which scales from thousands of users in server environments to desktop and mobile applications that are used everywhere in zero-administration environments.

UltraLite: UltraLite is a database management system that was developed for mobile systems with a small footprint, such as PDAs and smartphones.

MobiLink: MobiLink is highly scalable, session-based, synchronisation technology which allows you to exchange data with relational and other, non-relational, data sources.

QAnywhere: QAnywhere facilitates development of robust and safe store-and-forward mobile messaging applications.

SQL Remote: SQL Remote technology is based on the service-hatch principle and allows users from time to time to synchronise between SQL Anywhere databases, with the help of a file- or message mechanism.

Sybase database management

What provisions are best taken to keep the system available? And not just during unfortunate events, but also during upgrades, software releases and other changes to the database environment? The available options are changing at a rapid pace and OptimaData’s consultants can provide advice appropriate to your situation and requirements regarding database management.

A QuickScan for a good picture of your environment with a set of recommendations for optimal performance of your current and future-proof database environment. Application of best practices and performance tuning to get the most out of your configuration.

Regular HealthChecks to keep a finger on the pulse in relation to contamination, database growth or renewed data modeling. With database management through Managed Consultancy or Managed Services, you are assured of business continuity, database maintenance and 24/7 support in case of disruptions or incidents.

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