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The database always under control!

OptimaData offers the possibility to take care of the complete database management  and maintenance of the database management system for you. Through proper monitoring, database maintenance and regular database HealthCheck, you can be assured that your database (on-premise, in the cloud or from the cloud) is working and will continue to work properly.

For example, we unburden through:

Database Managed Services

With database managed services you don’t have to worry about managing your (cloud) database(s). OptimaData remotely keeps an eye on things so that there is no lack of space, preventive maintenance is performed and disruptions are resolved quickly and proactively.

By setting the right KPIs, our database experts know when to intervene. OptimaData helps you permanently and well.

Effective database management

We live in a world that is increasingly data-driven. Good management of your data platform is therefore becoming increasingly crucial. A good database expert knows exactly how the latest tooling works, is comfortable with both open source and licensed database environments, and finds solving complex database puzzles a joy.

But what is the route to effective database management? To provide some guidance, we have written a white paper on the subject.

Database HealthCheck

Your database environment is subject to the growth of your business and needs to be updated from time to time. By having a database HealthCheck performed, a number of basic checks (components of the QuickScan) will be performed with pre-agreed frequency.

Automated HealthChecks and database maintenance in combination with (Hybrid) Automated Cloud Database Deployment is also a possibility. OptimaData is happy to do so and delivers according to agreement.

Wanna know more about Database HealthCheck?

Do you want to make sure your database is up-to-date and can move with your growth? Is database maintenance a concern in your environment and would you like to know what OptimaData with database maintenance can bring to you and your business?

Database Monitoring

Because of OptimaData’s experience in various (complex) database environments at a diversity of clients, there is a lot of expertise regarding monitoring. Some carefully selected partnerships (EDB, GaleraCluster, SeveralNines, MariaDB) offer tooling that lends itself extremely well to give you insight into the health of your database(s). Combined with the expertise to identify preventive issues and recommend and execute proper follow-up.

Managed Consultancy

With “Managed Database Consultancy & Management” OptimaData has developed a service that assures an organization of worry-free daily database management and also provides a sparring partner for long-term choices and dilemmas.

You have guaranteed access to a qualified DBA at any time you wish. In case of unexpected disruptions but also for regular management activities or just for those project tasks that would otherwise remain unattended. On demand, 24/7 and at fixed times during the week or month.

Managed Consultancy is not managed services, it is not secondment, but it is much more than a remote DBA. So what exactly is Managed Database Consultancy & management?

Interested in monitoring, HealthChecks of outsourcing database management?

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