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OptimaData for the 3rd time in a row FD Gazelle

Hat-trick! FD Gazelle 2022! For the third year in a row, OptimaData is FD Gazelle. It almost seems to become “ordinary,” but it’s not. It doesn’t come naturally. Our colleagues can attest to that. It’s an honor to work with these people day in and day out for our customers. We are very happy with this recognition and with 3 in a row it also feels consistent. And we are far from being there yet! Many thanks also to our customers, partners and suppliers for trusting OptimaData and the people at OptimaData.

Hat-trick! 3rd year in a row

OptimaData is again FD Gazelle! This makes OptimaData one of the 685 fastest growing companies in the Netherlands in 2022. Of course we’re very proud of that!

On November 22nd we may receive an FD Gazelle Award for the 3rd year in a row! We are extremely happy and proud of this recognition of FD Gazellen for the fast and healthy growth that we have realized with our company since its founding in 2016. Especially that we managed to continue this after already receiving our first and second FD Gazelle in the last 2 years and despite the still special circumstances in the world.

By now almost 50 families get to eat along with the results from OptimaData. That is a great responsibility. And at the same time also thanks to the efforts of these nearly 50 professionals who work for OptimaData and its clients every day.

So growing fast is not necessarily a goal in itself. A third time says more about consistency and stability, something we also offer our clients.

Criteria FD Gazelles

Het Financieele Dagblad annually organizes the FD Gazellen Awards. OptimaData has been invited to receive a Gazelle Award in November. The FD Gazellen Awards are prizes that the newspaper presents to the fastest growing companies in the Netherlands. The main eligibility criterion is revenue growth of at least 20% over a three-year period (2019-2021). Growth in the number of employees and profitability are also important.

The FD Gazellen Awards 2022.

OptimaData is one of the 685 fastest-growing companies in the Netherlands. That means we may call ourselves FD Gazelle 2022. On Tuesday, November 22, the Financieele Dagblad will present the awards during a Live Event and announce the winners per region.


We could never have done it without the dedication, skill and commitment of the entire OptimaData team and the core team of interim specialists. Of course, our gratitude also goes to our customers, clients and technology partners who repeatedly place their trust in our company and entrust their applications and solutions to us.